- E&G – Quaternary science journal
- EARSeL newsletter
- Earth (Alexandria, Va.)
- Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Earth and planetary science letters
- Earth evolution sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Earth interactions
- Earth Island journal
- Earth, moon and planets : an international journal of solar system science
- Earth Planets and Space
- Earth Science India
- Earth-science reviews
- Earth sciences research journal
- Earth surface processes and landforms
- Earthquake notes / Eastern section of the Seismological Society of America
- Earthquakes & volcanoes
- Earthwatch Institute journal
- Ecological modelling
- Ecological monographs
- Ecology of freshwater fish
- Economic geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
- eEarth
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
- Edafología
- Electrochimica Acta
- Electronic green journal / University of Idaho Library
- Electronic journal of geotechnical engineering
- Elements : an international magazine of mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology
- Elytron
- Encuentros multidisciplinares / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Energy and buildings
- Energy and environment
- Engineering and mining journal
- Engineering geology
- Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra
- Entomofauna
- Environmental and engineering geoscience
- Environmental and experimental botany
- Environmental biology of fishes
- Environmental chemistry letters
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Environmental geochemistry and health
- Environmental geology (New York)
- Environmental geosciences
- Environmental health perspectives
- Environmental management (New York)
- Environmental modeling and assessment
- Environmental monitoring and assessment
- Environmental policy and governance
- Environmental policy and law
- Environmental pollution
- Environmental science and pollution research
- Environmental science and technology
- Episodes
- Equipamiento y servicios municipales
- Estonian journal of earth sciences
- Estratos (Madrid)
- Estuarine, coastal and shelf science
- Estudios geológicos (Madrid)
- Estudios oceanológicos
- e-Terra
- Ethics in science and environmental politics
- European biophysics journal
- European environment
- European geologist
- European journal of mechanics. A, Solids
- European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
- European journal of mineralogy (Stuttgart)
- European journal of soil science
- European journal of solid state and inorganic chemistry
- Evolutionary ecology
- Exploration and mining geology
- Explore : newsletter for the Association of Exploration Geochemists