- Jahresbericht (Veröffentlichung des Vereins Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum)
- Japanese magazine of mineralogical and petrological sciences
- Joannea : Geologie und Paläontologie
- JOSH journal of spatial hydrology
- Journal of aerosol science
- Journal of african earth sciences
- Journal of analytical chemistry
- Journal of applied crystallography (International Union of Crystallography)
- Journal of applied geophysics
- Journal of applied ichthyology
- Journal of applied meteorology
- Journal of applied meteorology & climatology
- Journal of applied sciences
- Journal of applied sciences and environmental management
- Journal of applied spectroscopy
- Journal of aquatic ecosystem stress & recovery
- Journal of aquatic food product technology
- Journal of arid environments
- Journal of astrophysics & astronomy
- Journal of atmospheric & ocean science
- Journal of atmospheric & oceanic technology
- Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics
- Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics
- Journal of biological chemistry
- Journal of biological inorganic chemistry
- Journal of biological physics
- Journal of bioscience and bioengineering
- Journal of biosciences
- Journal of chemical sciences
- Journal of climate
- Journal of coastal research
- Journal of contaminant hydrology
- Journal of control science & engineering
- Journal of crystal growth
- Journal of earth system science
- Journal of ecology
- Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena
- Journal of engineering physics & thermophysics
- Journal of Entomological Society of Iran
- Journal of environmental & engineering geophysics
- Journal of environmental engineering
- Journal of environmental engineering & science
- Journal of environmental hydrology
- Journal of environmental management
- Journal of environmental quality
- Journal of environmental radioactivity
- Journal of environmental science & health, part a: toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering
- Journal of environmental science & health, part b -- pesticides, food contaminants, & agricultural wastes
- Journal of environmental sciences
- Journal of experimental & theoretical physics
- Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology
- Journal of fish biology
- Journal of fish diseases
- Journal of fisheries & aquatic science
- Journal of fluid mechanics
- Journal of foraminiferal research
- Journal of freshwater ecology
- Journal of general biology / Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
- Journal of geochemical exploration
- Journal of geodesy
- Journal of geodynamics
- Journal of geographical systems
- Journal of geography
- Journal of geology, The
- Journal of geometry and physics
- Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres
- Journal of geophysical research. B, Solid earth
- Journal of geophysical research. Biogeosciences
- Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface
- Journal of geoscience education
- Journal of geosciences
- Journal of geotechnical & geoenvironmental engineering
- Journal of geotechnical engineering
- Journal of high energy physics /SISSA
- Journal of himalayan earth sciences
- Journal of human evolution
- Journal of hydrologic engineering
- Journal of hydrology
- Journal of hydrometeorology
- Journal of iberian geology
- Journal of inorganic biochemistry
- Journal of latin american geography
- Journal of limnology / istituto italiano di idrobiologia
- Journal of macromolecular science reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics
- Journal of macromolecular science. Part b, physics
- Journal of macromolecular science. Pure and applied chemistry
- Journal of management research
- Journal of map & geography libraries
- Journal of marine environmental engineering
- Journal of marine research
- Journal of marine systems
- Journal of mediterranean earth sciences
- Journal of metamorphic geology
- Journal of micropalaeontology
- Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences
- Journal of natural history
- Journal of oceanography
- Journal of organic chemistry
- Journal of paleolimnology
- Journal of paleontology
- Journal of petroleum geology
- Journal of petroleum science and engineering
- Journal of petrology
- Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry
- Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology
- Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. C, Photochemistry reviews
- Journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory
- Journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical
- Journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces
- Journal of physical oceanography
- Journal of physical organic chemistry
- Journal of physics and chemistry of solids
- Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiactive transfer
- Journal of quaternary science
- Journal of sedimentary petrology
- Journal of sedimentary research
- Journal of seismology
- Journal of south american earth sciences
- Journal of southeast asian earth sciences
- Journal of spatial hydrology
- Journal of structural geology
- Journal of synchrotron radiation
- Journal of systematic palaeontology
- Journal of taphonomy
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)
- Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science
- Journal of the atmospheric sciences
- Journal of the Czchek Geological Society
- Journal of the earth simulator
- Journal of the Entomological Research Society
- Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario
- Journal of the Faculty of Science. Hokkaido University. Series IV, Geology and Mineralogy / Hokkaido University, the
- Journal of the Geological Society
- Journal of the Geological Society of Japan
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
- Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies (TES)
- Journal of volcanology and geothermal research