- Technical physics
- Technical physics letters
- Tecno ambiente
- Tecnología del agua
- Tectonics
- Tectonophysics
- Télédétection
- Tellus: Series A
- Tellus: Series B
- Terra (Helsinki)
- Terra latinoamericana
- Terra nova
- Teruel : revista del Instituto de Estudios Turolenses
- Thalassas : an international journal of marine sciences
- The american naturalist
- The american mineralogist
- The astronomy and astrophysics review
- The astrophysical journal
- The astrophysical journal. Supplement series
- The canadian mineralogist
- The cartographic journal
- The cryosphere
- The Geological Society of America bulletin
- The industrial geographer
- The island arc
- The israeli journal of aquaculture
- The journal of geology
- The leading edge
- The mineralogical record
- The mining journal
- The new phytologist
- The Ohio journal of science
- The open geology journal
- The open hidrology journal
- The open mineralogy journal
- The open paleontology journal
- The photogrammetric journal of Finland
- The quarterly journal of engineering geology : an international journal encompassing geotechnical engineerign and hydrogeology
- Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology
- The sedimentary record
- Theoretical and applied climatology
- Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics
- Theoretical and mathematical physics
- Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen
- Tierra y tecnología
- Trabajos de geología
- Transactions. Section B, Applied earth sciences / Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
- Transport in porous media
- Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona
- Trends in ecology & evolution
- Tunnelling and underground space technology
- Turkish journal of chemistry
- Turkish journal of earth sciences
- Turkish journal of physics