Biblioteca Complutense

Francisco Armijo Castro: new analytical techniques

Francisco Armijo Castro is a Chemist with a Plastics and Rubber diploma, Medical Chemistry specialist and has a PhD in Pharmacy. Since 1969 he has been linked to the Chair of Medical Hydrology as assistant professor of the practical classes, first associate and afterwards official professor. Since 2001, he is deputy director of the Professional School of Hydrology and Hydrotherapy. He operates the field of physical and chemical analysis of water and peloids. He has always combined his academic work with external positions as technical R & D in the pharmaceutical industry and as Technical Director in Spanish and multinational companies engaged in laboratory instrumentation. This dual activity has allowed him to fine-tune the laboratory of the School with pioneering techniques such as specific electrodes, atomic absorption and ion chromatography which has permitted the profound analysis of water from Spanish spas, bottled water, drinking water of several Spanish cities and of spring water for their use as mineral water. Since 1990 he has participated in dozens of research projects funded by different organizations in collaboration with other colleges and universities having been called for as speaker at national and international conferences in the field of Hydrology and Galenic Pharmacy.
