Services for people with special needs
Complutense University Library provides people with special needs various specialized services to improve the information access and its use. To use them it’s neccesary to have an official disability certification and users must be registered in the university office for people with disabilities (OIPD).
Location of documents
When users aren’t able to locate and borrow documents by themselves, the staff will do it for them. Besides, staff will make the information searches if needed.
Document digitalization
If visually impaired users need a document that is not allowed to be borrowed, they may borrow it with special permission. The document may also be loaned to an organization of people with disabilities if the library's management allows it.
In addition, if the library management agrees, a document may be digitized.
Adapted reader places for people with special needs
The library in cooperation with the university office for people with disability (OIPD) and ONCE (Spanish blind organization) have adapted serveral reader places in different blibraries. Reader places offers Jaws, Zoomtext and OCR software.
You can consult the adapted reader places.
Information services
Users can ask information for a specialized librarian via web forms, e-mail, chat or phone.
Library Loan Service
Users with special needs have special borrowing conditions. The loan lasting is a double period longer than users with a similar profile (students and researchers). In cases of movement disability and long periods at hospital, documents can be borrowed by users via web or telephone. The documents could be picked up by another person with the user’s permission.
Renewals and holds
Renewals and holds of allowed documents can be made via web or phone.
Users with special needs have the same conditions that other users have.
Interlibrary Loan Service
Interlibrary Loan Service’s goal is to get documents from any external library to Complutense University members; and provide access to our holdings to other institutions’ libraries.
The library offers specialized training services adapted to users with disabilities.